Pricing Disclaimer
The cash prices published on apply to patients who pay the entire amount in advance. If Surgery Center of Allentown files insurance for you, the quoted case rate does not apply to you.
The cash prices offered are possible because advance payment eliminates 1) the expense of processing claims and 2) the risk of non-payment of fees, and all prices are subject to change.
The forgoing cost estimates are provided based on the assumption that the patient will not be using insurance (private payer, Medicare, Medicaid, etc.) to pay for the scheduled procedure. These prices do not apply to patients utilizing third party payers.
The listed cash prices include applicable facility, surgeon and anesthesia fees. The initial consultation with the surgeon and any follow up care is not included.
An additional list of what is NOT included in the fee is as follows:
- Diagnostic studies necessary prior to the surgery such as lab work, MRI, X-rays, consultations with other specialists to determine medical risk/management, physical therapy and/or rehabilitation.
- Hardware or implants necessary for completion of the procedure (e.g. anchors, plates and screws for orthopedic procedures). This price of these items will be provided prior to surgery but subsequent to the initial surgical consolation. Our experienced surgical staff knows what will be needed to complete your surgery. The hardware or implants that you need will be provided to you at cost. We will not receive any profit from providing those items.
- Lodging and/or travel expenses
- Expense and/or fees resulting from uncomplicated follow-up care, complications subsequent to the completion of the surgery and discharge from our facility.